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What is Wholistic?

Wholistic--- refers to a whole or whole body; taking into consideration the whole body or person. Meaning to consider the mind, body, and spirit of the individual. Your home is an extension of you and for that reason, clutter affects you.  Allow me to help you get rid of the clutter




Markeysha Evans, mother of 2 boys who are 10 years apart, an only child to an awesome mom and a lifelong organizer.  I am a passionate organizer, planner and time management enthusiast.  I’ve worked in many professional industries such as Trademark & Patent Law and Federal Government contracting. Spending my 9-5 day documenting and tracking information either physical or digital and keeping it all organized is a daily task, this didn’t just happen by chance.


After completing a 21-day business challenge a few years ago I came to fully understand that organizing was my true passion and that it all started with an “agenda book” given to me in grade school, funny right? Once I started to recognize that this little book that I dreaded getting was changing my life and setting me on a path of balance and harmony in I felt the desire to help others turn their Mess into their Best! I love helping corporate professionals, entrepreneurs, stay at home mom & dads and sharing what I know to my community and beyond.


 As Professional Organizer I specialize in Feng Shui, Space Clearing and Space Organizing.  I use a holistic approach that will allow you obtain balance and harmony in your living and working space using Energy Upgrading Techniques by moving the Chaos Energy to allow Positive, Energetic Energy in. I'm also able to work with you to manage your time better and help to increase your productivity in your business and personal life; using Time-Frequency Techniques I've developed.


Education & Credentials

Advanced Feng Shu Certification QC Design School (Certified)

Organizational Management Nyack College (BA)


Press & Features

Featured on Living Social Washington, DC  2014

Find My Organizer  Prince George's County, Maryland

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